The leading indicators consist of the following economic
Average workweek of production workers in manufacturing
Average weekly claims for state unemployment
New orders for consumer goods and materials (adjusted for
Vendor performance (companies receiving slower deliveries
from suppliers)
Contracts and orders for plant and equipment (adjusted for
New building permits issued

Change in manufacturers' unfilled orders, durable goods
Change in sensitive materials prices
Personal income is the income received by individuals,
nonprofit institutions, and private trust funds. Components of this indicator
include wages and salaries, rental income, dividends, interest earnings, and
transfer payments (Social Security, state unemployment insurance, and veterans'
benefits). The wages and salaries reflect the underlying economic conditions.
This indicator is vital for the sales sector. Without an adequate personal
income and a propensity to purchase, consumer purchases of durable and
nondurable goods are limited. For FX traders, personal income is not
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